The most efficient way to clean your whole home, according to pros

how to clean house

By making your bed every day, your bedroom will always look pulled together. That’s a nice thing to come home to after a busy day at the office. Making your bed also helps keep hair, dander, and drool off your sheets if you have pets.

Step 9: Reevaluate Your Cleaning Schedule

Stay organized and thorough with this customizable whole-home cleaning schedule. When you’re done, take a couple of minutes to squeegee the water off the tile walls and shower door. Likewise, cleaning left to right ensures that you cover the entire room instead of darting from place to place. A brilliant time-saving secret from the experts is to use your vacuum in as many spots as you can, be it on your sofa, or to clean up cobwebs in the corners of your room.

Step 1: Dust

Though it looks attractive, natural stone—including granite and marble—is sensitive to chemicals, and over time, food and drink spills and even soap from dishwater splatter can cause erosion. Regular cleanings help prevent long-term pitting, dull spots and other damage. Natural-stone counters also need to be professionally sealed on a regular basis. “Most of the yuck on floors is right along the four inches or so around the edge of the room,” says Winch.

Ways You’re Ruining Your Mattress

Make a note to have omelets for dinner, and congratulate yourself for being mindful of not wasting food. Mold and mildew plague bathrooms that aren’t well ventilated because the water tends to stay on the walls after you finish showering. This creates a perfect breeding ground for fungal bathroom infestations. Start mopping from the furthest room corner and move back towards the doorway. Follow this step-by-step guide, based on years of expert advice, to get the best clean for your home.

Squeegee Windows for a Streak-Free Finish

how to clean house

Maintaining a clean and dust-free home can also help keep allergens, germs, and pollutants at bay, which is beneficial for the health and overall well-being of every member of your household — humans and pets. Don’t start a room by wiping the coffee table, then cleaning the blinds, only to watch the dust from the blinds coat your newly cleaned coffee table. Sardone says to start at the top of the room, such as dusting a ceiling fan, and work your way down to the floor to eliminate redundant work. So what sort of tasks should we be tackling on a regular basis? "Daily cleans should ideally include wiping down kitchen surfaces, doing the dishes and doing the laundry. Doing all of this daily will help you to keep on top of the cleaning," Laura shares. "Multitasking – or habit stacking, as I like to call it – can help you clean more efficiently," she says.

44 Things For Anyone Who's Lazy But Also Wants A Clean House - BuzzFeed

44 Things For Anyone Who's Lazy But Also Wants A Clean House.

Posted: Tue, 27 Jun 2023 07:00:00 GMT [source]

Take Out the Trash in a Timely Fashion

Has your sponge holder developed mold or bacterial buildup? Use a toothbrush dipped in bleach or white vinegar — but never both, as the combination creates a dangerous chemical reaction — to scrub away mold. Follow by washing the sponge caddy with hot, soapy water or run it through the dishwasher. At the end of a long day, the living room is always there to greet you with a soft couch, cozy blanket, and the TV for your binge-watching pleasure.

Fill your coffee maker's reservoir with a mixture that's half vinegar, half water. Allow the coffee maker to sit for 30 minutes, then refill the reservoir with just water and brew a pot of clean water to rinse. If you have carpet or area rugs in your home, owning a vacuum is pretty much non-negotiable. The best vacuum is the one you’ll use frequently, which sounds facile, but the most souped-up vacuum in the world is no good to you if it’s too heavy to lift out of its storage space.

No Holes, Renter Friendly Window Treatments!

Restore your white tennis shoes to their just-out-of-the-box state by cleaning them with a mild soap and water. Dip a sponge or brush into the soapy water and gently scrub to remove scuffs and stains. Rinse clean with a damp cloth, then clean the rubber soles and sides with a Mr. Clean Magic Eraser.

Ultimate Cleaning Cheat Sheet: A Step-by-Step Checklist for Your Home

Surfaces that are particularly prone to picking up germs should be wiped down with a nontoxic disinfectant solution. You can make your own by mixing ¼ to ½ cup of white vinegar with a cup of water. By doing it this way, you won’t accidentally knock dust onto already cleaned lower shelves.Most people’s cleaning method is to see something and immediately start to clean it.

The White House wants federal agencies to keep climate change in mind as they decide whether to approve major projects. Although critically important to both people and nature, our freshwater resources are at increased risk. Through 2019, the U.S. wetlands loss rate increased 50 percent over the prior decade. Supreme Court’s Sackett decision last year, which dramatically reduced federal protections for wetlands in one of the largest judicial rollbacks of environmental protections in U.S. history. Despite this, Congressional Republicans are continuing a decades-long effort to undermine Clean Water Act safeguards.

This means a strategy that allows you to tackle all the cleaning you need to do in a systematic, organized way. Some people say you’ll be so much more efficient if you choose one task (such as mopping, dusting, or vacuuming) and do this same task in every room. Cleaning can be an exhausting undertaking if you’re disorganized and don’t have the right supplies. However, with a little bit of preparation, you can make it less time-intensive and more enjoyable.

Want an outdoor space to entertain friends and family when the nicer weather comes? Before starting construction, you may want to consider whether a deck or patio is best for... [2] “How to Clean Your House Fast + Free Checklist,” (Accessed June 27, 2023). However, Laura urges, "I would just be careful to not take on too much at once so it’s not too overwhelming, and you end up not finishing what you’ve started."

It’ll keep the place looking nice and spare you the long, agonizing job of doing several months’ worth of cleaning at once. “You create maintenance cleaning instead of catch-up cleaning,” she says. Sardone and Dellutri both are fans of Mr. Clean Magic Erasers, which cost about $4 for a four-pack. “They take stains off when nothing else will,” Sardone says.


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